Tuesday, May 11, 2010


6" x 6"
Oil on Canvas Panel
Amber L Bailey

This is Jamie, who I haven't talked to in ages but decided to paint as part of my project. I think this is the sexiest portrait I've done yet. I have decided that eyes are the biggest part of this project. I have been drawn to subjects with great eyes. I am having fun watching these paintings come alive through the eyes. It's funny, at the beginning stages I'll become frustrated that the portrait isn't looking much like the subject...and then I work on the eyes...and it's like magic how much the piece looks like the person. Please bear with me on the quality of the pictures of my work.

John, I need your services soon to photograph my work! :)


  1. You always seem to capture not only the gesture of expression, but the character of the person.

  2. Hey Amber,

    I love the framing of this portrait. The 6x6 format really lets the subject dominate the frame. It makes for a powerful image.

    As far as my services go, hit me on facebook and we'll work it out ;)

  3. Linda that's the best compliment you could have given me. Thank you! And thanks John, will do.
